1.5" x 2" Flat Side Oval

Pre-designed and Ready-to-Ship | Numbered
$1.25 ea.
Minimum of 125 required
$1.15 ea.
$0.99 ea.
$1.25 ea.

Please order in multiples of 125

These pre-designed, numbered parking permits are in stock and ready to ship!
Orders will ship the next day.
They ship in packs of 125.

Permit clings to window on its printed/front side. They are intended for inside vehicle use only.

Residents will appreciate that Static Cling Permits are easily repositionable/removable.

Parking Permits are an economical way of protecting your property. 

Consecutive Numbered Permits provide an extra level of parking control when you maintain a log.



Product Dimensions:     1.5" x 2"

Case Size for Optimal Shipping Rates:     125

Minimum Quantity Order:     125

Numbered Consecutive Numbers
Shape Flat Side Oval