'Tis The Season (Holiday)

with Strawberry Sticklette attached
$1.39 ea.

Please order in multiples of 12

Celebrate the season and show appreciation for your residents! Good communication is essential to building lasting relatioships. Order our Door Hangers and you will easily and economically open the lines of communication between you and your residents.

A strawberry candy sticklette is attached to this door hanger which includes an image of a neon pick up truck transporting a festive, decorated tree!

Constructed of water-resistant, laminated stock.

The message on the front of this door hanger is:

'Tis the season for traditions

The message on the back is:

We hope you enjoy every one!
Thanks for living here!

A Gift from your Property Management

Product Dimensions:     10" x 4"

Case Size for Optimal Shipping Rates:     12

Minimum Quantity Order:     12